You Again Beat the Alt Right Poster

Sep 26, 17

Violent Assaults & Harassment Follow #FreeSpeechWeek

Filed under: Action, Anarchist Movement, Anti-fascist, Featured, Constabulary, Southwest, The State

By Saturday afternoon, September 23rd, near reporters in town covering Milo'due south failed "Free Speech Week" had gone off to their hotel rooms to write their witty Op-Eds or dig through their social media feeds, searching for that last skillful RT. Almost all would go on to declare Free Speech Week to be a full failure, on account of the pocket-size amount of pro-Trump and Alt-Lite fans that came out to support Milo, and the fact that the series of events he planned as an "interactive" alternative to CPAC never materialized. Furthermore, sometime Milo fellow travelers such every bit Lucian Wintrich came forward to break the story of the result's demise, telling UC Berkeley officials and journalists alike that three days earlier Yiannopoulos officially appear to the earth that the event was cancelled, his company MILO Inc. had already decided internally that the evidence would non go on. Say information technology ain't then, darling.

Furthermore, according to Wintrich, Milo himself knew that Free Speech Week was not going to happen – even before that. In a Periscope video betwixt Lucian and Ali Akbar, Wintrich stated, "He lost a lot of friends…he expected u.s. to lie. He knew two weeks before hand…Berkeley didn't fuck up this time…I remember they were shady…just if y'all read all the emails…He lied to everybody." To which Akbar replied that Saturday'south events won't aid Milo'southward comeback, which so far "hasn't happened yet."

But for many people in Berkeley and across the bay area, the main issue of Free Speech Calendar week was not Yiannopoulos or his own person antics, which amounted to a xv minute selfie fest and shorthand session on Sproul Plaza surrounded by riot police force and barricades, culminating in the singing of the national anthem and a prayer for the counter protesters. No, for many people in Berkeley the real apprehension and of course totally unreported in the media, was Milo supporters: the Alt-Right trolls and fellow travelers, many of whom more open up to fascist and white nationalist ideas and politics, that sought to use his event every bit both a recruiting ground and as a opportunity to fight antifascists – and anyone else that got in the way.

White Nationalists and Members of the Alt-Correct Prove Upwardly for Free Speech Week

Later the events in Charlottesville, the Alt-Low-cal, or and so-called "New Correct," attempted to distance itself from the Alt-Right, a movement that Milo in office helped make popular and at times, dedicated. Despite this, in Berkeley for Gratis Oral communication Calendar week nosotros still saw a collection of racist far-Correct trolls, members of the Alt-Right, white nationalists, and fifty-fifty people who attended the neo-Nazi Unite the Right demonstration. Furthermore, an international fellow member of white nationalist royalty, Martin Sellner, the leader of the group, Generation Identity, was too on hand with girlfriend, Brittany Pettibone, a south bay native. Pettibone writes for Richard Spencer'south website, and along with Sellner and Alt-Low-cal social media celebrity Lauren Southern, took part in the "Defend Europe" campaign to block refugees from coming into European countries in the Mediterranean sea.

Sellner was besides embraced with open arms by his friend Troy Worden, President of the Berkeley College Republicans, who has likewise attempted to merits that they are not associated with the Alt-Right. Worden has written glowingly of the white nationalist move in Europe, challenge that it uses identity politics to further fascist causes that in the The states are bogged down by neo-Nazi imagery and rhetoric. Also telling is that this essay was published inThe Freedom Conservative, an Alt-Correct publication which has supported fascist and Unite the Right speaker, Augustus Invictus.

In attendance at various Berkeley events were members of the racist and Alt-Right livestreaming outfit,The Red Elephants. In belatedly August, the group after leaving Berkeley recorded a video of themselves discussing the need to class militias and impale antifascist protesters, in the face up of mass opposition. Members ofThe Red Elephantsalso said that they felt sympathy for the murderer of Heather Heyer in Charlottesville, and stated that if the Alt-Right could not rally without facing mass opposition, it would need to switch to political terrorism. On Sat, members ofTRE attempted to livestream at various events but were rebuffed past antifascist security. Then on Sunday, the group was confronted by Trump supporters who accused them of being anti-Semites and white supremacists, showing that even among the Correct, some are not open up to outright fascism and white supremacy.

An actual Unite the Right attendee that was on the streets of Berkeley for Free Speech Week was Antonio Foreman, who has worked as a body baby-sit for Baked Alaska, a speaker at Unite the Right. Likewise out in Berkeley were Alt-Right and Alt-Lite figures such as Kyle "Based Stickman" Chapman, Joey Gibson and Patriot Prayer, and diverse members of the Proud Boys, a violent Alt-Right organization that allows members to abound in rank by attacking antifascists.

In writing this article,It'southward Going Downtalked to various local antifascists in Berkeley who stated that many of the people inside the far-Right and the Alt-Right who are currently in town have intended to stay for the unabridged calendar week. But with Milo's issue in butchery, they are now looking for something else to practice.

Targeted Violence, Harassment, and Vandalism

Hardly anyone in the media, much less "progressive" or fifty-fifty Left journalists accept picked upwards on the fact that white nationalists and members of the Alt-Right are in boondocks for Milo's failed outcome. Just moreover, few accept discussed the entrada of harassment, violence, and vandalism that has unfolded in both the run up to the consequence, and after.

"Build a wall. Behave them all!" Racist chalk messages greet Berkeley students.

Soon after Free Speech Week was called, people associated with MILO Inc. and The Berkeley Patriot, a front for the Berkeley College Republicans, began to cover the campus in posters that read "Feminists: Terminate Being Fatty and Allow Milo Speak," "Everyone is Laughing at You Antifa Fags," "Antifa Are Gay," and posters challenge that various students were connected to Islamic terrorism. Chalk messages were left around campus calling for the deportation of undocumented students and several students were singled out for online harassment.

Following the failure of Gratis Speech Week to be anything more than than a photo opt all the same, the threats became existent. Through local antifascist organizers, IGD was put in bear upon with a Berkeley resident who claims they were attacked and browbeaten by none other than Kyle Chapman on Sunday evening, effectually 8 PM, later on a exact argument erupted on Telegraph Ave., over one of Chapman's friends having white nationalist tattoos.

According to the person we spoke to who chose to remain anonymous, the atmospherics began when our subject, who nosotros will refer to as "Frank," was approached outside of Pappy'due south BBQ on Telegraph. Later on being approached by a get-go private, some other, larger man came forward, and Frank commented on his "Celtic Cross" tattoo, a favorite among white supremacists. The man then pulled up his sleeve to reveal more than tattoos, including an fe cross. A verbal argument began, with the larger human stating to his friend, "Don't talk to this mother fucker, he's antifa." He then replied to Frank, a person of color, that his mother was a "nigger lover." The man and so got in Frank's face up, spitting on him, and placing his forehead confronting T's.

The man then tried to kick Frank, and so proceeded to pick upwardly his skateboard and threw information technology, screaming, "You faggot!" Frank so attempted to defend himself and run, however he says that "out of nowhere" he was tackled to the ground by Kyle Chapman. For the next 15-20 seconds, he claims that Chapman, who was wearing a large band, beat and punched him in the face, shoulders, and torso. Photos sent toIGDshow cuts and bruises which approve these claims. After 15-20 seconds, Chapman friends told him that that was enough, and to stop the fight. Once Chapman had stopped the chirapsia, Frank got on his feet and quickly left the scene.

Harim Uziel arrives at homeless encampment to harass and moving picture people over an upside flag.

The next twenty-four hours, around 11:30 AM, So-Cal based pro-Trump organizer, Harim Uziel, who on April 15th fought aslope white nationalists and neo-Nazis against antifascists attempted to harass a homeless encampment in Berkeley. Uziel was offended that the camp featured an upside down American flag, and upon inbound the area attempted to pic and provoke residents into a confrontation, along with several other Trump supporters. The camp, no stranger to potential voice and harassment grade the police and random strangers, held it'southward ground, and Uziel was apace driven out of the surface area.

Not to be outdone, over the grade of Lord's day and Monday, Alt-Correct trolls, neo-Nazis, and Trump supporters repeatedly harassed and banged on the doors of Revolution Books (a bookstore run by the Revolutionary Communist Political party or RCP) in Downtown Berkeley.Micannouncer Jack Smith got video of some of the confrontations, which featured Unite the Right attendee Antonio Foreman screaming at people inside the store, calling them "pussies" and "bitches."

"Anti-Antifa" posters appear on Shattuck Ave in Berkeley.

Far-Right vandalism also continued, with "Anti-Antifa" posters existence wheatpasted on the windows of La Pena, a Leftist cultural middle beyond from the Long Haul Infoshop, which also reported that some of their own flyers were defaced. In by months, similar far-Correct demonstrations take been followed by broken windows of businesses carrying Blackness Lives Matter and antifascist signs. Despite outrage from local residents, news media largely refuses to cover the vandalism.

Centrist and Liberals Got Their Wish, Look What Happened

For months Centrists and liberals have been saying that antifascists need to "ignore" the far-Right and the Alt-Right. "If nosotros terminate paying attention to them, they will go abroad," we have been told over and over again. Equally it turns out,they got their wish.

Throughout Free Speech Week, what did we see? First and foremost, we saw that the media largely ignored the large scale mobilizations of hundreds of people on Saturday and Monday, which saw a broad variety of organizations, communities, and groups come up together to march confronting white supremacy and the Alt-Right. Fifty-fifty keynote speaker and former political prisoner Chelsea Manning turned few heads when she addressed the crowd upon arriving in Berkeley on Sabbatum.

On Sunday, when Milo made a brief advent and and then abruptly left, many journalists seemed so angry they were robbed of their "left-wing violence," "costless spoken language," "antifa," and "both sides" narrative, that they simply made it up anyway.

TheLA Timesmoaned:

Free voice communication is meaningless without a platform. Students at the nation's foremost public university should non just understand that concept, but embrace it.

How is it that the cradle of campus gratis speech has go a place where disagreeable speech must exist drowned out or driven away?

I shuddered last week when I heard a Cal associate French professor tell KPCC's Larry Drape that she was taking her students off campus for classes this week,for their safety.

It seems this Op-Ed writer either knows nothing or cares lilliputian about the students and community members being targeted by the fans and Alt-Correct beau travelers of Milo Yiannopoulos. Even the idea that professors would want to keep their students out of harms way, is actually seen as sickening.The fact that a fan of Yiannopoulos shot and well-nigh killed an antifascist in Seattle earlier this twelvemonth is not even mentioned, however nigh media outlets go along to play up images of fires from Milo's previous visit to Berkeley in February, and continue faux claims that antifascists threw Molotov cocktails.

Reasonalso had even more stupid things to say:

Never before had it seemed and then obvious to me that antifa and the alt-right were two sides of the same illiberal coin. A pox on both their houses, and a big fat heart finger to everyone who had a hand in either sabotaging free speech communication, or shackling it behind a wall of police barricades.

It bears repeating, simply this just isn't fucking truthful. Milo Yiannopoulos is backed past the billionaire Mercer family, the same family unit who has contributed to Steve Bannon,Breitbart,and Trump. Without their help, MILO Inc., his bookDangerous,and presumably Costless Voice communication Week, never would have happened. Milo is also supported by the electric current administration, has admission to major media outlets like Fox,The Daily Caller, andBreitbart,and as we saw in Berkeley, gets universities and police departments to bend over backwards. The verbal contrary is truthful about antifascists, and anyone that cares to look at the numbers can see that the far-Right is killing, bombing, and murdering people on the regular, while the anarchist and antifascist movements at their well-nigh extreme, are physically confronting these groups at demonstrations, much to their own peril and at bang-up legal take chances from police.

The Centrist and liberals who proclaim so loudly that fascists and far-Right reactionaries just want attention have no game plan for what people should exercise when this reality comes crashing down. How do people respond when they are on the streets, in the local confined, and beating upwardly people of color? What do we do when they are vandalizing and attacking local businesses because they have Black Lives Matter signs? What do we do when they are attempting to harass homeless people, youth, or local organizers? Beyond calling a police force which has done nothing to stop any of this violence, harassment, and vandalism, and in fact largely has protected the far-Correct and given them a free pass, Centrists and liberals have no conception of what is actually ways for a community to defend itself. They have no plan, no strategy, and over all, no ability to actually organize community self-defense and protection.

Urban center Officials and Police Blame Antifa, While Far-Right Gangs Are Given Free Reign

"I don't give a shit about Milo," Frank toldIGD."The whole situation in full general was planned out to be this style. They've been organizing backside the scenes to go to Berkeley and do this, to target specific activists," Frank tells us. He states that the Alt-Right and Alt-Lite accept a network beyond the local area, including Proud Boys, figures like Kyle Chapman, media people like The Ruddy Elephants, which combine to create a crypto-fascist movement, while oftentimes being keen enough to steer clear of outright white nationalist symbols and slogans.

"Their only goal is to start confrontations and doxx people," Frank said in a phone interview. "The media has totally misrepresented what is going on here. They're not talking about the harassment that is taking place against the Mayor and the people in the community."

Ironically, according to insiders the Mayor of Berkeley has received so many death threats from the Alt-Right and far-Right, that he has hired several body guards to protect him. Despite this, after the few isolated fights on August 27th in Berkeley made national news, the Mayor along with a tide of DNC bureaucrats pushed to label antifascists "a gang."

This irony isn't lost on Frank. "A lot of people don't know how unsafe these people really are. These people can operate with an ground forces of trolls, and they don't take any accountability, like how Kyle Chapman has been allowed to parade effectually in Berkeley, while he's facing he'southward tertiary felony. They operate pretty much as a gang."

Kyle Chapman hangs out with the other racist Stickman.

This reality on the ground is compounded by the fact that police and members of the far-Right often work together often at protests, meeting before hand and hammering out a strategy for demonstrations and how to deal with counter-protesters. This relationship also allows people on the Right to harass, video tape, and beat up antifascists, who so are in turn arrested by police.

Simply what makes the situation fifty-fifty worse says Frank is the fact that the media is hell bent on coverage in only one direction: violence coming from antifascists. "The media would rather take pictures of burning trash cans than talk to people in the community," says Frank. The very real connections between the Milo supporters out this weekend and fascist and neo-Nazi groups is likewise largely ignored, equally is their connection to established Republican circles. Frank stated, "The Red Elephants is connected with Roger Stone. Vince Jones [of TRE] is a raging anti-Semite."

"There's no journalism going on at these rallies," Frank said. He mentions approaching journalists to tell them about how various far-Right demonstrators are neo-Nazis and involved in a variety of groups, to which nigh journalists don't seem to intendance. When asked what they do care virtually, Frank responded, most just desire to know "when the anarchists are going to prove up?"

Berkeley makes several things very clear: the Land isn't coming to the rescue, most local officials and leaders are cowards, and the police always side with the Right. If we desire to protect each other, we're going to have to look towards one another, and back up those that stand up upwards to far-Correct and fascist groups who are bringing violence and intimidation upon our communities.

Every bit for the pig media, whose goal is to altitude and alienate movements from their bases of support in poor and working class communities, let's take a page from their volume.Ignore them.

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