How to Write a Review for Lending Club


Reviews: LendingClub

Overall lender rating

from Credit Karma members

Most helpful positive review

I am beyond impressed!

Credit Karma member

I rarely write reviews just I really feel like I volition exist doing many people who are "in my shoes" a disservice if I don't. I take simply been on Credit Karma for a few weeks but I have been helped a lot by diverse reviews of credit services. I was looking for a loan to pay downward my credit cards and raise my credit score (plus have a single payment at lower interest rate) prior to shopping for a car. Whenever I came beyond a lender, I would log on to Credit Karma to notice reviews or comments fabricated past members about them, and and then after being prequalified by Lending Club I did the same affair and found a great deal of negative reviews. To say the least I was discouraged almost to the signal of not taking the loan but then I decided since they were not probable to do a difficult pull (learned that also thanks to this forum), I don't have much to lose, I might too effort. I am glad I made that decision. My loan request was for 4000, I got an involvement rate of 10.99 and an April of 13.84% (36-month term, score 680 according to LC). My loan got fully funded in about 30 hours, and it was so much fun watching that process. The most impressive part of the deal is that verification of my e-mail and banking company business relationship were the only requirements and those happened inside 24 hours. Soon after the loan was fully funded, loan status changed to "approved" and a few minutes after that to "issued". I received an email from Lending Club informing me that the coin had been electronically transferred to my account and that was it! No phone calls to or from Lending Club, no faxes, no paperwork. Total time from application to issuing of the loan was merely 36 hours and it was then effortless! Probably some of those who wrote negative reviews might have had genuine reasons to practise so but my feel makes me conclude things may take changed for the amend or borrower related factors may be partly responsible for at to the lowest degree some of the negative cases (similar simulated information on application, etc), or both.

Almost helpful negative review

24% involvement on 670 credit score

Credit Karma member

Give thanks goodness I just paid off my loan with them and let me tell y'all, this was a bad bargain to even get a loan. I had a credit score of 670 and practical for and was canonical for a $12,600 loan through lending club. I wanted to consolidate my credit card dept and lower my monthly payments. Large MISTAKE. When I clicked to get this loan it say Apr of 5.half dozen% I thought that is what I got. NOPE it was $12,600 at 24.49% interest rate and a 29.19% APR for 36 months. This was higher than my credit menu payments. I didn't see that small print until after I already paid the credit carte companies with this loan. My payments to Lending Club were $495 a calendar month simply $240 went to principal. So, in that first month, I immediately tried to think of a manner out of this fiasco so I went to my Captial One Credit card and asked them near a interest free period and they increased my credit limit to 11,400 with 0% interest for 18 months. Well I owed Uppercase one money so I didn't accept that total amount available, but I did transfer $10,997.59 to Lending Club and they put $10,755.47 toward principal and $242.12 toward interest. If you lot make additional payments, like I did you lot all the same owe for the next month you cannot skip a month. This left me with a $1,108.37 principal residuum. Well I wanted to go rid of this rip off company and finally become my finaces under control. And so I got a habitation equity line of credit through Neiborhs Credit Union (I SHOULD Take DONE THIS FIRST). I went to Lending Club and got the corporeality of my payoff, well the payoff engagement was supose to be good through the 13th of April simply nope it wasn't, I sent them what I "thought" was the payoff co-ordinate to them online, simply nope I nevertheless owed another $57.00 I called Lending Guild and they told me, in order to get a "accurage" pay off you have to call them. And then finally equally of today April sixth, 2017. I am no longer a slave to Lending Club and their out ragous involvement rate. If yous need a loan, and y'all have a 660 score or higher go to a credit union or even a bank. Neighbors Credit Marriage gave me $15,000 credit line with v% and its a 15 year loan which ways, the $98 I am paying Neighbors tin be paid off in the same time frame every bit Lending Guild and it would be less interest and less money over all but..I tin can also accept out from the line of credit if I need to, rather than putting it dorsum on my credit cards.

Member ratings

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Credit Karma fellow member

I didn't take no bug easy uncomplicated and fast

Quick and Piece of cake

Credit Karma member

Amazing payback rates and I save a lot of coin past not paying high credit card involvement rates!


Credit Karma member

Outstanding job,this right my me, thanks you

All-time determination I e'er made

Credit Karma member

I never believe that I tin can borrow the amount of money that I asked for it was just crazy that I did get approved and within days the coin was in my bank all I have to say is thank you and so much because of y'all I am out of debt

Amazing love information technology!!

Credit Karma member

Very amazing and satisfied with lending social club was able to help me out with my credit cards and consolidate everything.

Practiced selection if your in a tight spot

Credit Karma fellow member

Loan took an awfully long time for approval (virtually a month, most places have under an 60 minutes) and the April is pretty loftier


Credit Karma fellow member

I apply for a loan and within a week i had my money. Never been dealt with such urgency before. I'g and so satisfied with the accommodations.

Easy. Quick. Funded promptly.

Credit Karma member

Like shooting fish in a barrel process. Quick response. Prompt funding. Splendid rate. I couldn't exist more than pleased.

Very happy

Credit Karma member

Quick application, quick funding.

It was pleasant. I never had to talk to anyone!

Credit Karma member

So far, information technology was very easy to practise and to receive. I needed to pay off credit cards, and Lending Lodge helped me do that.

These ratings and reviews are provided by our users. Banks, issuers and credit menu companies practice not endorse or guarantee this content, are not responsible for it, and may not even be aware of information technology.

†† The opinions you lot read here come from our editorial squad. Credit Karma receives compensation from 3rd-party advertisers, but that doesn't bear upon our editors' opinions. Our marketing partners don't review, approve or endorse our editorial content. It'due south accurate to the best of our knowledge when it'due south posted.


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