Can I Give My Baby Tylenol and Gripe Water

Tylenol and Simethicone???

Updated on March 17, 2008

D.D. asks from APO, AE

16 answers

Does anyone know if it would be okay for my two month old to take tylenol and simethicone safely? I also give her a little gripe water. Im just trying to make sure I dont overdoae my daughter!

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answers from Stationed Overseas on

I don't know what simethicone is but when I have a question about mixing meds, I call a pharmacists back in the states. Walgreen's is a good one and you can go to their website to get a number. Where are you guys in Germany? We're in Kaiserslautern. I have a 2 month old son.



answers from Stationed Overseas on

With her being so young, the only thing you should be giving her is Infant drops... don't combine it with ANYTHING... It's not worth the risk.

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answers from Stationed Overseas on

I'm a nurse stationed in Naples Italy. It's okay to give both of these drugs because they work and function in two different ways. You may want to check with your pediatrician about appropriate dosing, as all pediatric medicines are weight based. You should follow the directions on the simethicone bottle as it is possible to give too much. Also, there is a Tricare nurse hotline for Europe that is 00800-4759-2330 that can help to answer these questions. I recommend it to my patients all the time.



answers from Stationed Overseas on

Hi D.! Yes it is ok to give both! Simethicone is an anti-gas medicine that has no medicinal value. I am the mother of 3...ages 3, 6, and 7. I did this for all three and they are all perfect! My husband is in Iraq as well. I hope that this advice helps. :)



answers from Stationed Overseas on

We've been giving our daughter simethicone since she was born. They actually gave it to her in the hospital for gas when she was two days old. I give her some at every feeding.

As for the Tylenol, ask your doctor he/she will probably prescribe it for you and tell you the exact dose, our doc told us 0.3ml per dose.



answers from Stationed Overseas on

Infant tylenol is okay just give the 1/4 tsp on the marker thingy. (Half doses) It worked for my daughter when she had her shots. Never heard of the other.



answers from Stationed Overseas on

Hello D.,
I would suggest that you consult with your babies pediqatrician first. Your baby is young, so i myself would be skeptical. I also live in Germany. By the way I wish your family well.

I hope that this helps!



answers from Stationed Overseas on

Your baby is crying even though you've already changed and fed her.

Your baby has a hard time burping or spits up a lot.

Your baby is kicking/pumping her legs.

Your baby's belly looks bloated or full.

You've tried more than one bottle/nipple type.

You've switched formulas to help with fussiness.

*If you are unsure, or if your baby has a fever, it could be something more serious than gas, so talk to your Pediatrician.if you breastfeeding make sure to prevent eat
"gassy" foods such as beans, bran, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, caffeine, and onions while you are nursing. These can cause your infant to get gas.

Avoid feeding your baby cow's milk, as it can cause infant gas. Talk to your pediatrician about other options.

Make sure the nipple is the right size if you are bottle-feeding. If the nipple is too large, it will make your baby eat too fast; if it's too small, it will cause your baby to gulp air.

Burp your baby every one to two ounces during feedings, or before switching breasts if nursing.

Burp your baby up against your shoulder, face down across your lap, or sitting upright on your lap, supporting her head and chest as you gently pat her back.

Avoid jostling or playing vigorously with your baby after feedings.

Encourage quiet time after your baby eats.

If baby is prone to getting gas, don't forget, MYLICON® is safe enough to give with every feeding*.

* Use only as directed. Do not exceed 12 doses per day.

How can I relieve my baby's gas?
Hold your baby gently, but securely, over your arm in a face-down position, known as the "gas hold."
Give your baby an anti-gas medicine to break
I hope this can hepl you.



answers from Charlottesville on

D., I agree with the nurse in Naples...ask your pediatrician before giving the tylenol. With infants the dose is based entirely on weight and what was right for one person's 2 month old baby may not be right for yours. I, too, and a nurse and a mother so I am very careful about what I give my daughter, but simethicone is very safe. Check the dosing on the bottle and mention it to the dr. Good Luck!



answers from Stationed Overseas on

Hi D.,

There should be a program called the New Parent Support Program out there where nurses are around to answer any questions you have about you baby all the way up to age 3. Great resource that all AF bases have and alot of Army as well. Check through Family Advocacy to find them!

Cheers from England- L.



answers from Stationed Overseas on

Hello D.!

I'm a mom too. My daughter is five and in Kindergarten.
I think it is too early to give your daughter medications.
first of all I don't know what your daughter has? Fever, ear infection ect.
What is important that you always messure fever accurate so the Doctor is informed.(rectal is best)
It is not recommended to give babys that age any medications because the side effects are not clear and tests haven't been done enough in that young age group.I would speak first to the health care provider about giving medications.
I'm german and know our Doctors hardly gave me something for my daughter.




answers from Stationed Overseas on

Hi! I agree with what the other ladies have said....get her checked out. My son had an ear infection at 2 months old and spiked a really high fever. I took him in and found that he had a severe ear infection. While we were there, his ear drum ruptured. If I had given him Tylenol I would not have known he was in pain and needed help.

I am not sure about simethicone. I would definitely ask a doctor about this one as well.



answers from Stationed Overseas on

It is fine to give Tylenol and Simethicone. Clarify with pediatrician on correct dosage of Tylenol.

I give Simethicone as needed to my 2 month old and it works wonders. Not so sure about giving water. Does your baby have stomach problems? Who recommended grape water?

It is fine to give Tylenol and Simehicone together.

I wish you the best and may God Bless You.



answers from Stationed Overseas on

Gripe water never worked for us. When my daughter was 2 months old she had colic and our doctor told us about putting a little apple juice in her bottle with the formula. Not a lot but maybe about 1/2 ounce. It worked like a charm. Any questions about mixing medicines should be addressed to the doctor.



answers from Stationed Overseas on

I give my baby both medications all the time. Just be sure to dose the Tylenol based on her weight. It is probably the 0.4 ml dosage of the infant drops. As for Simethicone, I don't think you can really overdose on that at all.



answers from Stationed Overseas on

I don't think you should be giving tylenol unless the doctor prescribe it. The simethicone I don't know what that is and I feel the same about that unless the doctor prescribe it to her. A baby that small you should not give them nothing unless the doctor prescribe it for them and a certain amount of it you probably already overdose her. Talk to your doctor before giving her that medicine.

Can I Give My Baby Tylenol and Gripe Water


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